About Us
Groundwater Section of National Water Supply & Drainage Board was established in 1978 with the assistance of UNICEF. Initially the major task of the Groundwater section was the construction of hand pump tube wells in the rural areas in dry zone of the country. In the early days our work mainly concentrated over districts of Moneragala, Hambantota and Anuradhapura and other areas of the dry zone. So far, we have contributed to a number of foreign and local funded projects including DANIDA, FINNIDA, GT2, IRDP, CWSSIP, ADB, UNICEF, NORD and WASSIP in order to fulfill the drinking water needs of peri-urban and rural communities.
Up to now more than 32,000 tube wells (hand pump tube wells and productive wells) have been constructed for drinking and other purposes. In addition, we have done hydrogeological investigations for the development of groundwater resources for NWSDB Water Supply Schemes, resulting in numerous dug wells and tube wells constructed for water extraction purposes.
Groundwater activities in National water Supply & Drainage Board are conducted through nine groundwater offices which located in each province of Sri Lanka.
To be the leader in groundwater exploration & resource management in Sri Lanka by providing sustainable solutions that fulfill water supply demands while maintaining social and environmental coherence
To deliver expert groundwater services, promoting sustainability and equitable access through innovation and collaboration
What we do

Hydrogeological & Geophysical Investigations
Modern equipment and technology are used to assess the groundwater condition in the subsurface. This also includes desk study of available records of NWSDB, varies kinds of geological, land use and topographic maps. These assessments are used for identifying groundwater sources and developing groundwater management plans.

Deep & Shallow Tube Well drilling
Utilizing advanced drilling techniques, we create boreholes that provide direct access to groundwater sources, optimizing water extraction and minimizing environmental impact for efficient use of groundwater resources. We are capable of drilling boreholes in any ground condition up to 200m depth with diameters ranging from 140mm to 225mm.

Conducting Pumping Tests for Groundwater Extraction
Through pumping tests our experts use advanced techniques to evaluate performance, efficiency and durability of a tube well, delivering precise insights for pump installation, pumping rates and pumping schedules tailored to your needs.

Well Flushing & Development
We conduct flushing of tube wells to overcome tube well blockages due to scaling and deposits, to minimize water level deduction and enhance groundwater quality.

Stream Gauging (Stream Flow Measurements)
We are capable of performing stream flow measurements, extending up to streams or rivers of any size. Using state of the art equipment and expertise we can obtain stream flow measurements for hydrological analysis and related purposes.

Auguring and Jetting of soft formations
We can identify subsurface shallow formations for shallow groundwater development purposes, through auguring and jetting, including sample collection for particle size analysis.

Bed Rock Profiling
Our geophysicists are able to obtain bed rock depths especially for foundation design, trenching and other excavation work. These are done with indirect methods such as geophysical surveys.

Installation of Hand Pumps & Iron Removal Plants
Hand pumps are used mainly in rural areas for community water supply, which can be installed as per request. We also fix iron removal plants to enhance water quality and supply maintenance services to both.

Repair & Rehabilitation of Hand Pump Tube Wells
We maintain stocks for all spare parts for hand pumps we install, allowing us for long-term maintenance and rehabilitation and have professionally trained mechanics who are specialized in hand pump maintenance delivering reliable service.

Implementation 3 Tier System for Maintenance of Hand Pump Tube Wells
Together with local governments and community organizations, we have established the 3-tier system developing a very effective maintenance program for hand pumps and a good network of knowledge sharing within the community on sustainable utilization and maintenance of their pumps.

Groundwater Monitoring
We possess the expertise and equipment for continuous groundwater monitoring of extraction sources and monitoring points for groundwater protection and management.

Development of groundwater-based Water Supply Schemes
Groundwater section has been engaged in developing water supply schemes for NWSDB and various community water supply organizations to develop groundwater resources.
Development of groundwater-based Water Supply Schemes
Groundwater section has been engaged in developing water supply schemes for NWSDB and various community water supply organizations to develop groundwater resources.
Groundwater Recharge Studies
Our hydrogeologists are competent in carrying out groundwater recharge studies for groundwater management, from household level up to cascade level.
Groundwater Recharge Awareness Unit
Presently climate change reports indicate that water scarcity will become increasingly prevalent in Sri Lanka’s dry zone, rendering it more susceptible to droughts. Groundwater quality in some areas of the dry zone is deteriorating due to the lack of reliable recharge for the saprolite and shallow aquifers. Additionally, coastal regions are experiencing water quality issues due to seasonal variations in both surface and groundwater. Furthermore, the rising sea levels brought about by climate change and global warming are leading to saline water intrusion.
Therefore, implementing artificial groundwater recharge mechanisms is among the most straightforward and effective strategies for water management. Various methods, such as recharge pits, recharge trenches, contour bunds, percolation tanks, recharge shafts, gully plugs, and check dams, have demonstrated their effectiveness. However, addressing existing knowledge gaps, including raising awareness about climate change and its impacts and enhancing understanding of groundwater recharge as a climate change adaptation measure, requires concerted efforts through awareness programs and government support. To tackle these challenges, a groundwater recharge model unit was established within the NWS&DB Groundwater (NW) section in Wariyapola in 2020 and has been continuing for five years, yielding promising results of drought affected villages especially in the dry zone of Sri Lanka.
Well head and Aquifer protection Studies

We are capable of doing well head and aquifer protection studies, incorporating modern technologies and methods for sustainable management of groundwater resources.
Contact Details
National Water Supply & Drainage Board
Thelawala Road, Ratmalana
Tel: 011-2636584
Fax: 011-2622911
Assistant General Manager
H.U.S. Wickramarathne
Tel: 0112622911/0773648492
Fax: 0112622911
Email: agmgroundwater@gmail.com
Groundwater Investigation Section – Rathmalana
Manager (Groundwater Investigation)
H.C.I. Hegoda (Acting)
Tel: 0112636686
Fax: 0112636686
Email: investigationsection@yahoo.com
Groundwater Regional office – North (Vavuniya)
Manager (Groundwater North)
Tel: 0242222169
Fax: 0242222169
Email: manager.gwn.nwsdb@gmail.com
Groundwater Regional office – North Central (Anuradhapura)
Manager (Groundwater North Central)
P.M.S.S. Gunaratna
Tel: 0252222060
Fax: 0252222060
Email: manager.gw.nc@gmail.com
Groundwater Regional office – North Western (Wariyapola)
Senior Hydrogeologist
H.M.K.J. Herath
Tel: 0372267253
Fax: 0372267253
Email: groundwaternw@gmail.com
Groundwater Regional office – Central (Kandy)
Senior Hydrogeologist
R.M.S.M. Rajapaksa
Tel: 0812227362
Fax: 0812227362
Email: rsccgw@gmail.com
Groundwater Regional office – Western (Colombo)
Senior Hydrogeologist
M.H. Kodikara Arachchi
Tel: 0112624444
Fax: 0112624444
Email: agmgroundwater@gmail.com
Groundwater Regional office – Sabaragamuwa (Embilpitiya)
Senior Hydrogeologist
K.M.C.D. Hemachandra
Tel: 0472230181
Fax: 0472230181
Email: groundwatersabaragamuwa@gmail.com
Groundwater Regional office – Uva/Eastern (Moneragala)
Senior Hydrogeologist
R.B.D.L. Bandara
Tel: 0552276133
Fax: 0552276133
Email: gwmonara@gmail.com
Groundwater Regional office – Southern (Matara)
Senior Hydrogeologist
W.G.T. Indrajith
Tel: 0412230457
Fax: 0412230457
Email: groundwater.southern.nwsdb@gmail.com
Groundwater Regional office – Uva/Eastern (Moneragala)
Senior Hydrogeologist
R.B.D.L. Bandara
Tel: 0552276133
Fax: 0552276133
Email: gwmonara@gmail.com