This plays a leading role in the O&M (Operational & Maintenance) Sector, giving assistance to the maintenance of...

The Commercial Division , the main division to quantify the water consumed by the customers...

Island wide consumer affairs, Non-Revenue Water Management and Water Infrastructure Management...

Corporate Communication Unit is responsible for managing and implementing all internal and external communication...

Lorem Ipsum is simply dummy text of the printing and typesetting industry. Lorem Ipsum has been the industry's ...

Responsible for the provision of various support services directly relevant to the mainstream business functions of the...

The Environmental and Social Division (ESD) of National Water Supply & Drainage Board...

The Finance Division has the responsibility to introduce sound internal control system over their day to day operations through...

Groundwater Section of National Water Supply & Drainage Board was established in 1978 with...

Lorem Ipsum has been the industry's standard dummy text ever since the 1500s, when an unknown printer took...

Information Technology Division which operates within the authority of the Additional General Manager (Corporate Services)...

The Internal Audit Division of the National Water Supply and Drainage Board operates under a Deputy General Manager...

Central Laboratory functions as the Center for Water Quality Control. It serves as monitor for the activities of all levels of laboratories....

The Manpower Development & Training Division, an indispensable arm of the National Water Supply & Drainage Board...

Provide all mechanical & electrical engineering solutions & consultancies and related services to optimize the water...

Planning and Designs Section is responsible for handling all the design works and engineering planning of distribution system...

Management of value chain effectively and efficiently for timely delivery of services to the internal and external stakeholders...

Policy & Strategy Section of the NWSDB is under the Policy and Planning Section headed by Additional General Manager...

Research & Development Section has been established to innovate new technologies on water supply activities in the organization...

The Rural Water Supply and Sanitation sector was fully staffed with the required skills and technical competencies...

The Supplies and Material Management Division performs the supply chain management functions for the entire...

The Tenders and Contracts (T&C) Section of the National Water Supply & Drainage Board (NWS&DB) is responsible...

We are diversified to provide Consultancy, O&M services, and Sanitation solutions for both public and private sector...

Water Supply Projects Water Supply Projects Water Supply Projects Water Supply Projects...