The Regional Support Center for the North-Western province was established in year 2008 to serve the people in Kurunegala and Puttalam districts by providing sustainable water and sanitation solutions for their livelihood. The North-Western Regional Support Centre (RSC-NW) provides safe pipe-born drinking water to people via 116,739 service connections as at August 2022 with 19 water supply schemes.
RSC-NW is headed by Deputy General Manager & assisted by Assistant General Manager. The Operation and Maintenance (O&M) activities in pipe borne drinking water supply networks are managed by Kurunegala and Puttalam Managers’ offices. Water reclamation activities and groundwater related activities are managed by two Managers in Water Reclamation Section and Groundwater Section.
Water Reclamation Section provides various services in addition to new sewer connections in Kurunegala municipals limits. This section provides consultations for wastewater treatment designs, testing of wastewater samples and issuing reports for environmental approvals, issuing clearance certificates for Urban Development Authority approvals within Kurunegala municipal limits, and many more wastewater management related services.
Groundwater sources in North-Western region are utilized through groundwater section. Hydrogeological investigations of groundwater sources, construction of water wells (deep and shallow), well development and supply, installation and maintenance of hand pumps are carried out by this section. Addition to that Groundwater (NW) has a groundwater recharge model unit which is used for groundwater awareness programme and also this unit is used to do scientific research on the groundwater recharge process.
Contact Us
Additional General Manager (Act)
Tel: 081-2385962
Email: adgmdvwb@gmail.com/ adgmcnwsab@waterboard.lk
Deputy General Manager
Assistant General Manager (Development)
Email: agmcentralwaterboardlk@gmail.com
Assistant General Manager (Operation & Maintenance)
Email: agmonmc@gmail.com
Manager (Water Reclamation – NW)
Manager (Kurunegala -NW)
Manager (Water Reclamation – NW)
At any Cashier Point of the Water Board (Island Wide) – By cash or cheques (Working days- from 9.00 a.m. to 3.00 p. m.)
(All cheques should be drawn in favour of the “National Water Supply & Drainage Board” and crossed “Account Payee only”. Also ensure that you enter your Account Number on the reverse of the Cheque. Send the bill intact for payments.)
Note: In the event of your cheque/s has been dishonoured SLRs. 500/= per cheque will be debited to your account.
Cashier Points available in the RSC – North Western
RSC – North Western Office – NWSDB, Dambulla Road, Kurunegala